vrijdag 26 september 2014

First Impression: Soap & Glory products

A brand well loved by British bloggers and YouTubers is Soap & Glory. And you can't blame them for the packaging alone I would want to own all of their goodies. 

I already was able to get to try the blush brick in Peach Party, I've written a review about it here. Much love towards this powder product. Up to this day it has been used really a loads!

There in London the hunt was on for Soap & Glory products. Make up and body care. Today is my first thought on some of the already quickly tried the body and hand products.
Lets have a look.

So many products in Boots I wanted to give a go. Yet I kept it to only three. Hand Food, Hand Maid and Butter Body Lotion!

All three smell delicious!! Its amazing.
Handmaid, a cleansing hand gel first felt a bit sticky but after that thought that feeling is not there anymore and your hands feel really clean, yet not dry instead they feel very soft.

Hand Food also does the job amazingly! Great feeling soft hands and perfect for an overnight cream or for a quick moisture. Doesn't matter your hands will love this moisture to at any time.

After a shave my legs NEED body butter or lotion. This does it all! This body lotion sinks in almost immediately. And that soft gentle feel of your just moisturized legs will feel like that for a long time.   

Soap & Glory? I AM IN LOVE!!

Tell me, have you ever tried this brand? What is your favourite?

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