donderdag 23 oktober 2014

My favourite YouTubers

If there is one thing I instantly do when turning my laptop is checking the blog (of course) and YouTube. After a hectic day of work it is some sort of relieve to settle down at night and don't think about work anymore.

Over the past months I have found lots of new YouTubers that I really enjoy. And I thought it might be fun to share them with you.

So lets jump right into it.

The first girl I am presenting you is called Victoria. She might be better known for her blog and YT channel Inthefrow. I only discovered her quite recently but I really like her.
Why I like her: First up, the hair!! She is so beautiful and I really like her personality. She is still very down to earth but you can see she enjoys what she is doing and that transfers into her videos.

The next girl is known for her blog Im here forever and the girl behind that blog and channel is Emily-Victoria.
Why I like her: I don't think a lot of people know her yet. But she does a very good job. I thought she was about 17 years but I think her skills are magnificent. She always looks tip top for her videos and her content is really good.

Thirdly. One of the top faves: Casey Holmes or also known as itsbl0ndie
Why I like her: I absolutely adore her. Her make up is IN-CRE-DI-BLE. Always spot on and always more than gorgeous. She gives amazing detailed reviews and detailed tutorials. I feel with her videos you sure can learn how to do make up darn well!

Next up: Aussies on top! Lauren Curtis, Channel
Why I like her: She is in my eyes a very honest person. And very grateful for what she received. And she doesn't take it for granted. She provides us with amazing videos and amazing skills.

Lastly a girl that might not fit in the beauty list but she is one of the very very first girls I ever watched and still watch: Amber Katelyn Beale
Why I like her: I started watching her when I turned 14, 15. I started dying my hair the exact same way she did and she actually became a big inspiration of mine to create my own style that I have today. I like her hair dye videos and her outfits are always to my liking!

Well it ended up to be all girls today. GIRLPOWER! I love all kind of different people on the YT but these deserve to be mentioned since I feel not everyone knows these girls.

Tell me, where there any new YouTubers here? And what is your favourite channel?

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